When I was 15 years old, I was lead to the study of the stars, Astrology. Here is where I have found it beneficial for me to understand my spiritual gifts. I am half Azorean and half American. I find all cultures interesting and find joy in learning more about different traditions and customs. I enjoy discussing topics of Astrology, Numerology, Theology, Spirituality and other abstract subjects.
I am a deep researcher have been following my genealogy, heritage, and mapping to where my family has originated. I was led to the knowledge that my family originated at the time of the Phoenicians, who were living in a metropolis of its time in the city of Tyre.
The Phoenicians brought along with them a 15-letter alphabet in which the Greek people began to utilize and add their own characters and ultimately form the Greek alphabet. The Phoenicians also taught the Greeks many different industries such as clothing, weaving, sewing, as well as shipbuilding, masonry, and dyeing.
The city of Tyre was famous for its export and import, with its navigation of the world through its ships, and mastery of commerce. They were excellent farmers of mollusk that created the purplish-reddish dye that would later signify Tyrians.
Tyre is the birthplace of Europa. In the temple Astarte, is where they held sacred rites for the moon-goddess of the same name.